Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Character appraisal of green college conservation area and management Essay

Character appraisal of green college conservation area and management plan - Essay Example Conservation area is the government’s solution to save the English heritage sites that are at most risk of being lost in perpetuity (Heritage at Risk 2012). Development brings change. In the case of designated conservation areas, change is still inevitable. This important designation promotes change using manageable strategies that enhance the area and ensures that the new developments do not harm its present character recognised for the area’s special buildings and historic interest. This is implemented by giving additional controls over the demolition of buildings, minor developments and the loss of trees (A guide to living in a conservation area 2012; Effects of Conservation Area Designation 2012). Understanding the significance of historic buildings, streets and spaces is of utmost importance thus, assessment and recognition of historic areas are vital to the planning process. Including property in a conservation area benefits its character and tends to sustain property values due to the extra protection from insensitive development (Effects of Conservation Area Designation 2012). To provide an overview of planning policies and propose management guidelines that will ensure the preservation and protection of the characters of College Green conservation area in the myriad forms of urban development occurring within Bristol. The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 is the Act of Parliament in the United Kingdom that empowered the designation of Conservation Areas and allowed the planning permission that relates to Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas. These are the sections relevant to Conservation Areas: â€Å"Section 69 (1) Every Council—(a) shall from time to time determine which parts of their area are areas of special architectural or historic interest the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance, and (b) shall designate those

Monday, October 28, 2019

Challenges In Web Information Retrieval Computer Science Essay

Challenges In Web Information Retrieval Computer Science Essay An overview of Information Retrieval is presented in this chapter. This defines the need of information retrieval. This discusses how the IR problem can be handled. It discusses about the model for efficient and intelligent retrieval. It briefly defines the major issues in information retrieval. It also discusses about the necessity of retrieval and the basis of the study for the motivation of the selection of search topic for dissertation requirements of information retrieval and how it can be used in the web searching. This discusses the user involvement in the retrieval model. This chapter also defines the numbers of approaches are proposed for the user, system and data for the efficient and intelligent retrieval. The different models are focuses on the organization and storing of the data/documents. This chapter defines the need of the retrieval system and also the proposed study in the direction of efficient and intelligent retrieval. The observations are properly explored with the particular emphasis on the necessities of the information retrieval. It is very surprising in a way the information is available in the world today. This leads to the explosion of information soon. The explosion is due to the availability of data and documents online. At the same time while searching and accessing a data/document is a problem. The digitalization is a basis where the ordinary man is involve in storing a huge amount of electronic data. An electronic data can be easily transmitted via email and easily disseminated on the web. The search can be applied on the stored text to require the relevant information on any topic and reuse it. The information explosion means there is too much relevant information readily available to meet the cognitive capacity, for that we will be finding a difficulty in defining the document relevant. Now it becomes necessary for information retrieval (IR) systems to employ intelligent techniques to provide effective access to such a huge amount of available information. Particularly with the emergence of the Worl d Wide Web, users have an access to such huge amount of documents. More and more information services such as new services; library and electronic mail etc are easily available. Things are becoming online in order to provide with a prompt access to the users. The, more textual information is available on web, due to increasing size of information sources has made it difficult for the people to find relevant textual documents. The information that reaches to the user does not match with his/her interest and merely end up with the overloading him/her. The users have to select manually the relevant information from the huge bundle of information. This makes an urge demand for more effective retrieval systems to perform the efficient and intelligent retrieval of data/documents. This research effort will capture the semantics and also integrate it in IR systems. This study will explore this idea by considering in two directions. Firstly, the efficiency of search results, that can be focu sed on the statistical methods. Secondly, the need to improve upon the relevance (in semantic sense and relevant technique) has to be satisfied. This will motivate you in the direction of attempt to improve upon the document storing and query representation. Also natural language processing (NLP) technique can help to segregate/classifies the data for the best use. A relevancy technique is used not only for the efficiency of retrieval but also judge intelligently for capturing the semantics in representation of matching and representation process. The research mainly in this area has to be focus broadly in two directions. Firstly, expanding the query entered in the better representation as per used needs and secondly, determining the relevant in the document urge to representation for improved the results. If the information of any document is lost then that can be recovered by using relevance assessment technique. The relevance cannot be judge only on the on the basis of term occurrence but it depends on the existing retrieval system lie on basic retrieval models such as boolean, standard vector and probabilistic that treat both documents and queries as a set of unrelated terms. These classical models have the advantage of being simple, scalable and computationally feasible, but they do not offer accurate and complete representation. Due to this ignorance in the present classical model, the role of semantic and relative information about the document in the retrieval process is important. It is difficult to identify useful do cuments simply on the basis of words used by the author of the document, as words may mean differently in different context, as pointed out in [Zrehen S, 2000]. It is impossible to retrieve all documents pertaining to a particular subject, because such documents do not share a common set of keywords and because current search engines may or may not address semantics or context. The work focuses mainly on the semantic techniques. However, building a complete semantic understanding of the text requires human-like processing of text and is beyond the scope of this work. The objective of this work is to classify documents as relevant and non-relevant with respect to a standing query with more accuracy and less overhead. A detailed and accurate semantic interpretation is not needed for this classification [Evans David A. Zhai C.,1996]. This fact distinguishes IR application from other NLP applications. The semantic knowledge needed to define the relevance of the document and that can be easily extracted from the text with respect to the author or user. This can be implemented by approach to the overlaying facility, which helps in dealing with the relationships issue, which is one of the most important factors in the design of information retrieval systems. These techniques allow the search and retrieval systems to involve in the improve document and/or query representation. It involves into the address document semantics .It not only improved the ranking of retrieved documents, further adapt queries based on relevance feedback and improve retrieval performance. Finally, producing the relationship between the fact that so much information is being produced and at such a rate that no single technique can offer remedy to all problems, we propose hybrid approach to information retrieval and also evaluate one such model. This will explore to both directions for the efficiency and intelligent retrieval. The realization of inadequacy of the current approaches of information retrieval, work focuses on investigating intelligent techniques t hat will help in retrieving information effectively. IR enables the programs for representation, comparison, and interaction methods to implement in the system result in effective performance. The techniques that improve these aspects i.e., the representation, comparison, or interaction, will lead to intelligent retrieval. The use of overlaying facility will be capturing the relationships between the different layers of data. This will cultivate to a hybrid model by applying the efficient and intelligent technique using hierarchical and semantics approach. To improve the efficacy of an IR system, we need a better understanding of the issues involved in information retrieval and problems associated with existing traditional information retrieval systems. The algorithm/application of these techniques can provide significant benefit. This exactly defines the scope of the work. In the rest of the chapter, we first discuss the issues involved and the problems associated with current approaches to information retrieval. And the motivation behind the retrieval is discussed. The proposed work for the information retrieval is studied thoroughly. This overview also serves as a summary of the core technical contributions of this work. It briefly reviews some of the previous research aiming at necessity of the work. Lastly, it describes the organization of the dissertation 1.2. Major issues in information retrieval There are a number of issues that are involved in the design and evaluation of IR systems some of them are discussed. The first important issue to address is to choose a representation of the document. Most of the human knowledge is coded in natural language. However, it is difficult to use natural language as knowledge representation language for computer systems. The current retrieval models are based on either keywords for search or author. This keyword representation creates problem during retrieval due to polysemy, homonymy and synonymy. Polysemy involves the phenomenon of a lexeme with multiple meaning. Keyword matching may not always include word sense matching [Justin Picard Jacques Savoy ,2000]. Homonymy is an ambiguity in which words that appear the same have unrelated meanings. Ambiguity makes it difficult for a computer to automatically determine the conceptual content of documents. Synonymy creates problem when a document is indexed with one term and the query contains a different term, and the two terms share a common meaning. The previous studies indicate that human beings tend to use different expressions to convey the same meaning [Blair D., Maron M., 1990]. The recent work in developing extensive lexicon is an attempt to improve the situation [Mittendorf E. ed. Al, 2000]. Traditional retrieval models ignore semantic and contextual information in the retrieval process [Judith P. Dick, 1992], [Ounis I. Huibers T,W.C. 1997]. This information is lost in the extraction of keywords from the text and can not be recovered by the retrieval algorithms. The improving IR demands an improved representation of text, which is very important. The related issue can look forward in characterization of queries by users. This is inappropriate in this case because of v agueness and inaccuracy of the users queries, say for instance, their lack of knowledge of the subject or the inherent vagueness of the natural language itself. The users may fail to include relevant terms in the query or may include irrelevant terms. Inappropriate or inaccurate query leads to poor retrieval performance. The problem of ill-specified query can be dealt with by modifying or expanding queries. An effective technique based on users interaction is the relevance feedback. This will Improve the representation of documents and/or queries is thus central to improving IR. In order to satisfy users request an IR system matches document representation with the query representation. How to match the representation of a query with that of the document is another issue. A number of similarity measures have been proposed to quantify the similarity between a query and the document to produce a ranked list of results. The selection of the appropriate similarity measure is a very cruc ial issue in the IR system design. The evaluation of the performance of IR systems is also one of the major issues in IR. There are many aspects of evaluation; most important being the effectiveness of an IR system. Recall and precision are the most widely used measures of effectiveness in IR community. As improving effectiveness in IR is the underlying theme for evaluating any technique and is one of the core issues in this work. The evaluation of the performance of IR systems relies on the notion of relevance. The relevance is subjective in nature [Saracevic T., 1991]. Only the user can tell the true relevance. This cannot be measure as it is based on user perception. However, it is not possible to measure this true relevance. One may define the degree of relevance. The relevance has been considered as a binary concept, whereas it is a continuous function (a document may be exactly what the user wants or it may be closely related). The current evaluation techniques do not support this continuity. The number of relevance frameworks has been proposed in [Saracevic T., 1996]. This includes the system, communication, psychological and situational frameworks. The most inclusive is the situational framework, which is based on the cognitive view of the information seeking process and considers the importance of situation, context, multi-dimensionality and time. A survey of relevance studies can be found in [Mizzaro S. ,1997]. Most of the evaluations of IR systems so far have been done on document test collections with known relevance judgments. The large size of document collections also complicates text retrieval. Further, users may have varying in need of documents. Some users require answers of limited scope, while others require documents having wide scope. These different needs can require that different and specialized retrieval methods be employed. The work attempts to handle some of these problems by proposing techniques. To improve representation of docume nts and queries and by incorporating new similarity measures. Information retrieval models based on these representations and similarity measures have been proposed and evaluated in this work. The another factor that decreases search engine usefulness is the dynamic nature of the Web, resulting in many dead links and out of date pages that have changed since indexed. But even accepting these factors, finding relevant information using Web search engines often fails. The document retrieval systems typically present search results in a ranked list, ordered by their estimated relevance to the query. The relevancy is estimated based on the similarity between the text of a document and the query. Such ranking schemes work well when users can formulate a well-defined query for their searches. However, users of Web search engines often formulate very short queries (70% are single word queries [Motro, 98]) that often retrieve large numbers of documents. Based on such a condensed representat ion of the users search interests, it is impossible for the search engine to identify the specific documents that are of interest to the users. Moreover, many webmasters now actively work to influence rankings. These problems are intensify when the users are unfamiliar with the topic they are querying about, when they are novices at performing searches, or when the search engines database contains a large number of documents. All these conditions commonly exist for Web search engine users. Therefore the vast majority of the retrieved documents are often of no interest to the user; such searches are termed low precision searches. The low precision of the Web search engines coupled with the ranked list presentation force users to examine through a large number of documents and make it hard for them to find the information they are looking for. As low precision Web searches are inevitable, tools must be provided to help users cope with (and make use of) these large document sets. Such tools should include means to easily browse through large sets of retrieved documents. 1.3 Necessity of present work The motivation for this research is to make search engine results easy to browse. The document classification algorithms attempt to group similar documents together. The Classification / Grouping the results of Web search engines can provide a powerful browsing tool. The automatic grouping of similar documents (document groups) a feasible method of presenting the results of Web search engines. 1.3.1 Classification: The document groups have initially been investigated in Information Retrieval mainly as a means of improving the performance of search engines by pre-clustering the entire corpus [Jardine and van Rijsbergen, 71]. The cluster hypothesis [van Rijsbergen, 79] stated that similar documents will tend to be relevant to the same queries, thus the automatic detection of clusters of similar documents can improve recall by effectively broadening a search request. However we are investigating classification as a means of browsing large retrieved document sets. We therefore need to slightly modify the group classification which suit to the domain. This can be attempted for user-class hypothesis is that users have a mental model of the topics and subtopics of the documents present in the result set; similar documents will tend to belong to the same category in the users model. Thus the automatic detection of clusters of similar documents can help the user in browsing the res ult set. The classification and the groups of the documents with respect to the author can help users in three ways: (1) it can allow them to find the information they are looking for more easily, (2) it can help them to realize faster that a query is poorly formulated (e.g., too general) and to reformulate it, and (3) it can reduces the fraction of the queries on which the user gives up before reaching the desired information. For example, if a user wishes to find salsa recipes on the Web, and performs a search using the query apple, only 10% of the returned documents will be related to apple recipes (the rest will relate to apple music, apple products that can be bought on the web and a software product called apple; many documents will have no apparent connection to apple at all). If we were to cluster the results, the user could find the group relating to apple recipes and thus save valuable browsing time. We have identified some key requirements for document clustering of searc h engine results. The support vector machine is used to implement such types of cluster techniques: 1) Coherent Clusters is the clustering algorithm should group similar documents together. 2) Efficiently browsable that the user needs to determine at a glance whether the contents of a cluster are of interest. Therefore, the system has to provide concise and accurate cluster descriptions. 3) Speed of the system should not introduce a substantial delay before displaying the results. 4) In preliminary experimentation carried out at the beginning of this study we found Web documents, and especially search engine snippets, to be poor candidates for classification because they are short and often poorly formatted. This led us to consider the use of phrases in the classification of search engine results, as they contain more information than simple words (information regarding proximity and order of words). The phrases have the equally important advantage of having a higher descriptive pow er (compared to single words). This is very important when attempting to describe the contents of a group to the user in a concise manner. The groups can be making with the keyword in respect to the subject and sub-subject or it can be in respect to the author or user. 1.3.2 Relevancy in documents: With respect to the clustering of the documents or users, they important study that is made for the retrieval is as follows. The search engines are extremely important to help users to find relevant retrieval of information on the World Wide Web. In order to give the best according to the needs of users, a search engine must find and filter the most relevant information matching a users query, and then present that information in a manner that makes the information most readily presentable to the user. The system is used to apply the technique and also work in between the user and the document to efficient retrieval the relevant document. Moreover, the task of information retrieval and presentation must be done in a scalable fashion to serve the hundreds of millions of user queries that are issued every day to a popular web search engines (Tomlin, 2003). In addressing the problem of Information Retrieval (IR) on the web, there are a number of challenges researchers are involved. Some of these challenges are dealt with and identified additional problems that may motivate future work in the IR research community. It also describes some work in these areas that has been conducted at various search engines. It begins by briefly outlining some of the issues or factors that arise in web information retrieval. The people/User relates to the system directly for the Information retrieval as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1.1 IR System Components. They are easy to compare fields with well-defined semantics to queries in order to find matches. For example the Records are easy to find-for example, bank database query. The semantics of the keywords also plays an important role, which is, send through the interface. System includes the interface of search engine servers, the databases and the indexing mechanism, which include the stemming techniques. The User defines the search strategy and also gives the requirement for searching .The documents available in www apply subject indexing, ranking and clustering (Herbach, 2001).The relevant matches are easily found. There are three major components such as data, user and system. These three components are interlinked with each other with two-way relationship. The system is a computer system and the software application loaded. The interfaces of search engine servers, the databases and the indexing mechanism, which include the stemming techniques etc, are associated in the system and i ts linked components. Similarly, user defines the search strategy (Herbach, 2001) and also gives the requirement for searching .The documents available in www apply subject indexing, ranking and clustering (Kleinberg,1999). The relevant matches easily found by comparison with field values of records. The involvement of relevance feedback technique can also be incorporated for efficient searching. And the data are a simple as documents in different formats use database, it terms of maintenance and retrieval of records but for the unstructured documents, it is difficult where we use text. Search engine developments are based primarily on the indexing range, which is assisted by www users in performing information retrieval task. The evaluation of efficient and intelligent studies have considered and an impact can be seen on system features (Kunchukuttan,2006), in particular those with which the user interacts for search assistance. The information retrieval system evaluation the compl ex environment, which measures of the utility and the usability of the search results of the system are required from a user perspective layout. The proposed model for a user-centered evaluation is based on a conceptual framework in which user-satisfaction is characterized on the variable dependent on system features and system functions. It will be simple for the database it terms of maintenance and retrieval of records but for the unstructured documents it is difficult where we use text. The same criteria for searching will give better matches and also better results. The different dimensions of IR have become vast because of different media, different types of search applications, and different tasks, which is not only a text, but also a web search as a central. The IR approaches to search and evaluation are appropriate in all media is an emerging issues of IR. The information retrieval is involved in the following tasks and sub tasks: 1) Ad-hoc search involve with the process where it generalizes the criteria and searches for all the records, which finds all the relevant documents for an arbitrary text query; 2) Filtering is an important process where the users identify the relevant user profiles for a new document. The user profile is maintained where the user can be identified with a profile and accordingly the relevant documents are categorized and displayed; 3) Classification is involved with respect to the identification and lies in the relevant list of the cl assification. This works in identifying the relevant labels for documents; 4) Question Answering Technique involves for the better judgment of the classification with the relevant questions automatically frames to generate the focus of the individuals. The tasks are described in the Figure 2. Figure 1.2: Proposed Model of Search Engine. The field of IR deals with the relevance, evaluation and interacts with the user to provide them according to their needs/query. IR involves in the effective ranking and testing. Also it measures of the data available for the retrieval. The relevant document contains the information that a person was looking for when they submitted a query to the search engine. There are many factors influence a persons to take the decision about the relevancy that may be task, context, novelty, and style. The topical relevance (same topic) and user relevance (everything else) are the dimensions, which help in the IR modeling. The retrieval models define a view of relevance. The user provides information that the system can use to modify its next search or next display. The relevance feedback is as to how much system understands the user in terms of what is the need, and also to know about the concept and terms related to the information needs. The retrieval uses the different techniques such as the web pages contains links to other pages and by analyzing this web graph structure it is possible to determine a more global notion of page quality. The remarkable successes in this area include the Page Rank algorithm (Tomlin, 2003), which globally analyzes the entire web graph and provided the original basis for ranking in the various search engines, and Kleinbergs hyperlink algorithm (Herbach, 2001, Kleinberg,1999), which analyzes a local neighborhood of the web graph containing an initial set of web pages matching the users query. Since that time, several other linked-based methods for ranking web pages have been proposed including variants of both PageRank and HITS (Kleinberg, 1999, Joachims, 2003), and this remains an active research area in which there is still much fertile research ground to be explored. This may refer to the recent work on Hub and researchers from where it identifies in the form of equilibrium for WWW sources on a common theme/topic in which we explicitly build into the model by taking care of the diversity of roles between the different types of pages (Herbach,2001) .Some pages are the prominent sources of primary data/content and are considered to be the authorities on the topic; other pages, equally essential to the structure, accumulate high-quality guides and resource lists that act as focused hubs, directing users to suggested authorities. The nature of the linkage in this framework is highly asymmetric. Hubs link heavily to authorities, and they may have very few incoming links linked to them, and the authorities are not link to other authorities. This is completely a suggested model (Herbach,2001), is completely natural; relatively anonymous individuals are creating many good hubs on the Web. A formal type of equilibrium consistent model can be defined only by assigning the weights to the two numbers called as a hub weight and an authority weight .The weights to each page are assigned in such a way that a pages authority weight is proportional to the sum of the hub weights of pages that link to it to maintain the balance and a pages hub weight is proportional to the sum of the authority weights of pages that it links to. The adversarial Classification (Sahami et al.,1998) may be dealing with Spam on the Web. One particularly interesting problem in web IR arises from the attempt by some commercial interests to excessively heighten the ranking of their web pages by engaging in various forms of spamming (Joachims, 2003). The SPAM methods can be effective against traditional IR ranking schemes that do not make use of link structure, but have more limited utility in the context of global link analysis. Realizing this, spammers now also utilize link spam where they will create large numbers of web pages that contain links to other pages whose rankings they wish to rise. The interesting technique applied will continually to the automatic filters. The spam filtering in email is very popular. This technique with concurrently involved the applying the indexes the documents. The current study will propose a hybrid semantic model where is a combination algorithm and the application used for the efficient and intelligent retrieval model. This will involve the different practices for the retrieval the system will be playing an important role. Further the tri-sectional considering system, document and user are identified by applying the Analytical Hierarchal process (AHP) model. This study will help to you carry out the algorithm, application and the models associated with them with respect to these components. 1.5. Organization of the thesis The thesis is organized into seven chapters including the present chapter which introduced IR problem, presented a brief review of the work done in the field and provided an overview of our work. An outline of the remaining chapters follows. The intelligent and efficient Information Retrieval needs to explain the data organization, the user prospects and also the user interface system study and its importance. The different tests for the present theoretical investigations are reported in the thesis, have been organized as follows: The understanding of the theoretical analysis of proposed methods to explain the various intelligent and efficient structural algorithm and application based approach; the techniques have been discussed in further consecutive chapters. Also, it is adequate to take a real scenario that the interaction mechanism between the layers of user and data are important to define the model with their properties. Briefly the remarkable success achieved from the present models has been given below. The understanding of basic parameters for efficient and intelligent retrieval needs the formulation of an effective and intelligent retrieval and this is outlined in Chapter II. To make information retrieval study successful, there is the need to prioritize their efforts in terms of user, system and data centric aspects, because of the range interactions they are effective up to the second-hierarchy. The forces occur between the layer itself and also by joining to the upper/lower layer within the system. A straightforward extension is possible since; these systems are open-ended and allow data and user to join them with internal requirements and for a complete collection of document/data etc. The effective parameters as relevancy, ranking and layout have been incorporated in the implementation of analytical hierarchical process (AHP) for analysis. In order to make the proposed work more revealing, the applicability of these parameters has been explored for the further focus on the proposed model to describe the interaction and interrelation between the data and user as presented in Chapter II. The research study provides a theoretical background of IR techniques, which helps in designing the retrieval model. The detailed study will be defined on the basic concept in establishing the relationship between the system and data primarily. There are different techniques that are based on this relationship/link to define the efficient data retrieval, which has been investigated, and results presented in Chapter III. The later part of this chapter explores Intelligent Data processing and analysis with respect to the intelligent data retrieval by using different techniques used for designing the retrieval model. The detailed study will define the basic concept in establishing the relationship between the system, user and data primarily. There are different techniques that are based on this relationship/link to define the intelligent data retrieval. This is very much dependent on the semantics of the individual layer as per user interest or taste. The links between the two objects is to change the strength of the object. The objects are powerful, based on incoming and outgoing link i.e. the popularity of the object. Based on strength, this object can be considered as highest ranked object and also relevant one. Effective interrelation is successful in explaining popularity of object with consistent behavior. Semantics annotation framework helps in intelligent retrieval by using natural semantics. The Vector Space Model and Latent Semantic Indexing techniques are theoretically analyzed in Chapter IV. The research used an effective inte

Friday, October 25, 2019

Responses to Persecution :: Jews Judaism Religion Suffering Essays

Responses to Persecution Jews are no strangers to suffering. Throughout the ages, many others have also been victims to unspeakable cruelty, but the judgement of Winston Churchill is almost certainly the definitive description of the uniqueness of the Holocaust: "The Final Solution is probably the greatest, most horrible crime ever committed in the whole history of the world." Holocaust scholar Deborah Lipstadt points out two reasons why the German program of genocide remains in a class by itself as an example of evil: "It was the only time in recorded history that a state tried to destroy an entire people, regardless of an individual's age, sex, location, profession, or belief. And it is the only instance in which the perpetrators conducted this genocide for no ostensible material, territorial, or political gain." In fact, the Holocaust remains incomprehensible. But that is all the more reason why it must at the very least be remembered. Hitler played heavily on the anti-Semitism already rooted within his people. He resurrected ideas that a previous king of Germany, Frederick the Great, had introduced. There were distinct categories of human beings. Essentially, the Germans were Aryans, and everyone else was sub-human. Hitler took these ideas and embellished them. He blamed the Jews for "two great wounds upon humanity: "Circumcision of the Body and for the conscience of the soul.† As Hitler gained popularity, his hatred of Jews spread and became a rallying cry. The Nazi propaganda paper, Der Sturmer, revived the "Blood Libels." The church would warn their constituents: "Watch your children 6-7 weeks before Passover†¦ Everyone knows that just before Passover Jews need the blood of a Christian child, maybe, to mix in with their Matzah." The attitude taught to the children was, "Just as one poisonous mushroom can poison a whole family, one Jew can poison a whole town or a whole country!" Der Sturmer was running contests encouraging German children to write in. One little girl wrote, "People are so bothered by the way we’re treating the Jews. They can’t understand it, because they are God’s creatures. But cockroaches are also God’s creatures, and we destroy them." Words can create an attitude. If a person says something loud enough and often enough, he creates a climate. And under that climate, all sorts of things can happen. This was one of the was the Jews where terribly and horrifically persecuted.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The German scientific community got on the bandwagon with scientific presentations.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

July’s People Essay

July’s People is a story about the drastic change and upheaval of society caused by the ending of apartheid in South Africa. Throughout the story the theme of conflict between blacks and whites is brought up and explored. This theme of conflict is largely played out between Maureen, the white suburban mother of three, and July, her servant and host during this time of upheaval in Johannesburg. While the two engage in conflicts throughout the book it isn’t the type of conflict that is injurious to either party, it is the type which forces both sides to grow and evolve their opinions and outlook on society. Read more:  good people David Foster Wallace essay This change and evolution is seen mainly in Maureen who, over the course of the story, evolves and in the end is essentially reborn into a more enlightened version of herself as a result of the conflict which she goes through with July. At the onset of July’s People, all Maureen Smales has ever known is being a mother and wife. As the story progresses it becomes clear that she will shed this role and step into a version of herself vastly more complex and real than the one she left behind. The longer Maureen is in the village, the less in touch she is with the person she was back in Johannesburg. Along with losing touch with her old self, Maureen begins to discover things about her family that she did not realize in the city, â€Å"He left the smell of his sweaty sleep behind him; she had not known, back there, what his smell was (the sweat of lovemaking is different, and mutual). Showers and baths kept away, for both of them, the possibility of knowing in this kind of way. She had not known herself; the odors that could be secreted by her own body. â€Å"(p. 103). During this passage Maureen is using the stage of not knowing the natural odor of herself and her husband as a metaphor to emphasize that back in the city everything gets covered up by cologne or otherwise, while in the village, where none of this disguise is available, the true smell, or nature of a person becomes clear. As Maureen’s old reality begins to slip away it leaves a gapping hole in its absence. The hole then needs to be filled, and this is where July and the conflict he brings comes into play. What Maureen learns about the dynamics of culture while talking to July is eventually what fills up the hole. From early on in the book, Maureen and July are in conflict with each other, butting heads on numerous topics including control of the Bakkie and Maureen’s role in the village. While this conflict may look counterproductive at first glance, it is actually providing both Maureen and July with valuable insight into each other’s thoughts and feelings of the current situation. As it becomes increasingly clear that Maureen is losing touch with who she was in the city, the reader begins to see Maureen struggling to understand July and the mentality of the people living in the village, † -My, my, my. What can we do. Is terrible, everybody coming very bad, killing†¦ burning†¦ Only God can help us. We can only hope everything will come back all right-â€Å". Maureen then goes on to say, â€Å"-But you don’t mean the way it was, you don’t mean that. Do you? You don’t mean that. -â€Å"(p. 95). Here Maureen is taken aback at the fact that a black person might not want the social change that the end of apartheid would bring with it. This is a prime example of a white suburban woman being faced with a idea that doesn’t fit into her categorization of the world and her struggling to understand this new and strange concept. The more that Maureen has these conflicting moments with July the more she begins to grow and move towards releasing her old ideas and prejudices, while adopting a new view of the world. The closer the story draws to its end the more Maureen is seen letting go of her old self and adopting new ideas in their place. For Maureen, the gun that Bam brought with him is her very last link to her life back in the city, when it is stolen Maureen tries desperately to get July’s help to get it back, pleading with July, †You’ve got to get that gun back. (p. 149). Maureen is clinging to the last link she has to her past self, trying to hold on to the smallest bit of normalcy and having the gun ripped away from her brings all that crashing to the ground. For Maureen, the ultimate moment of letting go occurs just after the gun is stolen following a conversation with July, â€Å"The skin of her body was creeping with and ecstatic fever of relief, splendid and despicable to her. †(p. 153). This passage is Maureen’s way of expressing her release of her old self. The use of the word fever here is a clue to what is going on, the body uses a fever to kill off an illness by overheating it, and now Maureen is having the part of her that is connected with Johannesburg â€Å"killed off†. The despicable yet splendid feeling that this gives her symbolizes how painful and hard it is to let her past go but also how good it feels to be ready to move freely into the future. Once Maureen was ready to move on it just took the right situation and the arrival of the helicopter was just that situation, â€Å"She is running to the river and she hears them, the man’s voice and the voices of children speaking English somewhere to the left. But she makes straight for the ford, and pulling off her shoes balances and jumps from boulder to boulder, and when there are no more boulders does as she has seen done, moves out into the water like some member of a baptismal sect to be born again†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (p. 159). This passage encompasses both Maureen leaving behind her old self as well as her moving forward to be re-born into a new person. This is the moment when Maureen’s journey comes full circle. She was prepared for this moment of rebirth by way of her numerous conflicts with July, through which she grew greatly as a person. As the story evolves and Maureen begins to realize that she and her family are not the same people they were back in Johannesburg, she finds herself in conflict with July and his thinking more and more. These conflicts, which existed in her, were not so much those of racial equality but rather of personal identity. By way of her discussions with July, Maureen is able to sort out the issue of personal identity and transform herself into a â€Å"born again† person by the end of the book. While these discussions often take on the form of a conflict they are conflict which leads to growth, not to destruction. The conflict that she has with July over the course of the story is essential to Maureen becoming the free, reborn version of herself and to discover who she is outside of apartheid.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Social Differentiation

Gender of human remains can show social differentiation in a variety of different ways. One such factor is damage on the bones may indicate the job of the deceased, for example, signs of osteoarthritis in the Canadian Inuits jaws and right hands indicate that they were sewing skins. In comparison, disease to the right shoulder and elbow in some cases show that the deceased used harpoons which have been interpreted as men who hunted.Social differences have been seen between male and female skeletons at Tell Abu Hureyra; grooves in the sides of women's teeth are thought to have been caused by drawing fibres through them before using the fibres in baskets and male skeletons had lesions and strain injuries to their arms which might be associated with spears. However, these lesions may have been created by post depositional factors. Another evaluative point is that these remains do not prove that all males hunted and all females sewed – it only proves that women had bad teeth.The l ayout of graves also show social differentiation as evidence at Skara Brae shows us; bodies of two females, interred in stone-built graves, were discovered beneath the right hand bed and wall. It was apparent that the females had been buried there before the house was constructed and their presence could have signified some sort of foundation ritual. However, this may also signify that this area was their domain in life. Social differentiation can also be identified through the age of the deceased.At West Kennet, DNA analysis on the bones has shown that 46 individuals were disarticulated into various transepts in the tomb. The bones were sorted into not only by gender, but also age; infant, young adult and elderly, suggesting that each age group had a specific role within the society. To a certain extent grave goods can tell us a lot about social differentiation based on gender. Rich male graves are often interpreted in terms of what he earned whereas when a woman is found which ric h grave goods they are often attributed to her father or husband.Women having their own status is not considered a lot within archaeology. In inhumations, if women over a certain age have certain grave goods, and the younger ones do not it can be argued that those goods represent the dowry exchanged in marriage. A reoccurring theme from the Bronze Age onwards is that women were regularly buried with pins, necklaces and bracelets however, the interpretation that this was a dowry is not always correct as DNA analysis [ARCH 2] at West Hazelton showed some females were buried with weapons and some males were buried with jewellery and so the grave goods may indicate achieved status.Until recently, the sexing of burials relied on grave goods. Jewellery without weapons was expected in female graves and so was used to define these graves. However, the problem with this method is that they might not be compatible with modern society’s biased view on male and female belongings such as the Birdlip Burial. Along with the deceased, this contained a mirror and jewellery and it was thought to be a rich princess’s grave or that of Boudicca herself, however, recent examination and CAT scans of the skull shows that it has masculine traits which contrasts with the original interpretation.The assemblage is also notable in that the artefacts had all been broken and a vessel had been placed over the face of the dead and so it is thought that it may have been a male shaman and not a princess. Grave goods can show achieved or ascribed status which is also shown with the age of the body. Vedbaek Bodbakken shows a child buried on a swans wing and other natural objects such as amber along with its mother. The age of the infant and the mother who was only believed to be about 18 has helped to interpret the grave as one of a wife or daughter of a chief.The grave is thought to be such high status because of the effort and time placed into the burial and ascribed status becaus e the child had not had time to earn it themselves. One problem with using the age is there is a lack of younger burials, high infant mortality rates and so are disregarded. For example the presence of 97 baby inhumations at a brothel at a Roman Villa in Thames Valley shows that the Romans did not consider children to be human until they reached a certain age.The layout of a settlement can help to show social differentiation through gender and age because of the views of modern archaeologists. For example at Skara Brae each of the eight dwellings found have the same basic layout – a large room, with a fireplace in the middle, a bed on either side and a dresser facing the entrance. However, the right hand bed is always larger that than the left hand bed which has led some archaeologists, including one of the site's main excavators, Gordon Childe, to speculate that the layout of the village is gendered – right being male and left being female.Beads and paintpots were als o found on some of the smaller beds – lending to the gendered theory. Also, House 7 in Skara Brae appears very much like the other houses in the community, however, several distinctive features have led archaeologists and historians to interpret that it played a unique part in village life. The house is isolated from the main part of the village and access is gained down a side-passage, it is also the only house in the village in which the door was barred from the outside, not the inside.The bodies of two females, interred in stone-built graves, were discovered beneath the right hand bed and wall. It was apparent that the females had been buried there before the house was constructed and their presence could have signified some sort of foundation ritual. Most theories on the subject involve confinement or separation from the rest of the community – they range from childbirth and menstruation to initiation through ritual and imprisonment.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Childrens Behavior As A Function Of Finding A Real Gun

Children’s Behavior as a Function of Finding A Real Gun There have been many accidental incidents involving children with guns. Today, it has become very common for a child to find a gun and play with it as if it were a toy gun, causing serious harm. Unintentional firearm injuries kill approximately 400 children (0-19 u years old) each year (Wintemute, Teret, Kraus, Wright, & Bradfield, 1987). What message are our children receiving for such incidents to occur? It is not very surprising to read about a 6-year-old who shot and killed a sibling or other child friend accidentally with their parents’ gun. Since mostly all Americans have the right to bear arms, guns are easily accessible to children through their families and friends. Many families’ keep a gun in the home often stored loaded and unlocked (Patterson, & Smith, 1987). So what preventive measures does one take to ensure their child’s safety? The most effective measure to prevent firearm-related injuries to children is the Absence of guns from homes and communities (Cummings, Grossman, Rivara, & Keopsell, 1997). Despite the risks of unintentional discharge and other adverse incidents, gun-owning families continue to keep at least one gun loaded and unlocked (Senturia, Chirstofel, & Donovan, 1994). With that said, the next step would be educating our children about the dangers of touching or playing with a real gun. But how effective is educating our children about the dangers of guns? Gun-owning parents reported that they would trust their four to twelve year old child with a loaded firearm in the home (Webster, Wilson, Duggan, & Pakula, 1992). Of course, after educating their child and assuming that it is understood that guns are dangerous, any parents’ expectation would be that their child would do the right thing when faced with the situation. Many parents may have unrealistic expectations of their children’s behavior around guns (Webster, Wilson,... Free Essays on Children's Behavior As A Function Of Finding A Real Gun Free Essays on Children's Behavior As A Function Of Finding A Real Gun Children’s Behavior as a Function of Finding A Real Gun There have been many accidental incidents involving children with guns. Today, it has become very common for a child to find a gun and play with it as if it were a toy gun, causing serious harm. Unintentional firearm injuries kill approximately 400 children (0-19 u years old) each year (Wintemute, Teret, Kraus, Wright, & Bradfield, 1987). What message are our children receiving for such incidents to occur? It is not very surprising to read about a 6-year-old who shot and killed a sibling or other child friend accidentally with their parents’ gun. Since mostly all Americans have the right to bear arms, guns are easily accessible to children through their families and friends. Many families’ keep a gun in the home often stored loaded and unlocked (Patterson, & Smith, 1987). So what preventive measures does one take to ensure their child’s safety? The most effective measure to prevent firearm-related injuries to children is the Absence of guns from homes and communities (Cummings, Grossman, Rivara, & Keopsell, 1997). Despite the risks of unintentional discharge and other adverse incidents, gun-owning families continue to keep at least one gun loaded and unlocked (Senturia, Chirstofel, & Donovan, 1994). With that said, the next step would be educating our children about the dangers of touching or playing with a real gun. But how effective is educating our children about the dangers of guns? Gun-owning parents reported that they would trust their four to twelve year old child with a loaded firearm in the home (Webster, Wilson, Duggan, & Pakula, 1992). Of course, after educating their child and assuming that it is understood that guns are dangerous, any parents’ expectation would be that their child would do the right thing when faced with the situation. Many parents may have unrealistic expectations of their children’s behavior around guns (Webster, Wilson,...

Monday, October 21, 2019

White Tigers essays

White Tigers essays White tigers are an endangered species and it is said that less than a dozen have been seen in India in about a hundred years. In fact no sightings have been reported since 1951. This may be caused by the fact that the Royal Bengal tiger population has dropped from 40,000 to 1,800 in the past ten years and as few as one in every 10,000 tigers is white ( White tigers are neither albinos nor a special species. They differ from the normally colored tigers by having blue eyes, a pink nose, and creamy white fur with black stripes. If they were albinos they would have pink eyes and a lighter nose color. A tigers stripes are just like human fingerprints meaning that no two tigers have the same pattern of stripes. White tigers aren't necessarily born from other white tigers. White tigers get their color by a double recessive allele. A Bengal tiger with two normal alleles or one normal and one white allele is colored orange. Only a double dose of the mutant allele results in white tigers ( In fact it is even normal to find normal colored cubs in a litter of white tigers ( The scientific name for a tiger is Panthera Tigris Tigris. It was initially felis tigris but the genus was changed to panthera because of the tiger's characteristic round pupils ( The largest of the big cats may grow to over 12 feet long from its head to the tip of its tail, and weigh as much as 660 pounds (Cavendish,696). The white tiger has long been the focus of human fear and respect for years because of its powerful muscular body, loud roar, and frightening snarl revealing large, sharp teeth. Tigers spend all of their time alone which is very unusual (Thapar,115). Each tiger has its own territory, which it marks by scratching the barks of trees, spraying urine, and leaving piles of feces (Cavendish,696). Males are particularly aggressive toward other males...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Essential Amino Acids and Their Role in Good Health

Essential Amino Acids and Their Role in Good Health An essential amino acid may also be called an indispensable amino acid. This is an amino acid that the body cannot synthesize on its own, so it must be obtained from the diet. Because each organism has its own physiology, the list of essential amino acids is different for humans than it is for other organisms. The Role of Amino Acids for Human Beings Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, which are essential to  forming our  muscles, tissues, organs, and glands. They also support human metabolism, protect the heart, and make it possible for our bodies to heal wounds and repair tissues. Amino acids are also essential for breaking down foods and removing waste from our bodies. Tryptophan and tyrosine are amino acids that produce neurotransmitters. Tryptophan produces the mood-regulating chemical serotonin and can make you sleepy. Tyrosine is essential for the production of norepinephrine and adrenaline and makes you feel more energetic.The amino acid arginine is essential to the production of nitric oxide which lowers blood pressure and helps to protect the heart.Histidine makes the enzymes needed to produce red blood cells and healthy nerves. ]Tyrosine is used in the production of thyroid hormones.Methionine makes a chemical called SAMe which is essential for the metabolism of DNA and neurotransmitters. Nutrition and Essential Amino Acids Because they cannot be produced by the body, essential amino acids must be part of everyones diet. It isnt critical that every essential amino acid be included in every meal, but over the course of a single day, its a good idea to eat foods that include  histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine,   tryptophan,   and valine. The best way to ensure that you are eating a sufficient quantity of foods with amino acids is to complete proteins. These include animal products including eggs, buckwheat, soybeans, and quinoa. Even if you dont specifically consume complete proteins, you can eat a variety of proteins throughout the day to ensure that you have enough essential amino acids. The recommended dietary allowance of protein is 46 grams daily for women and 56 grams for men.   Essential Versus Conditionally Essential Amino Acids The essential amino acids for all people are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine. Several other amino acids are conditionally essential amino acids, meaning they are required at some stages of growth or by some people who cannot synthesize them, either because of genetics or a medical condition. In addition to the essential amino acids, babies and growing children also need arginine, cysteine, and tyrosine. Individuals with phenylketonuria (PKU) need tyrosine and also must limit their intake of phenylalanine. Certain populations need arginine, cysteine, glycine, glutamine, histidine, proline, serine and tyrosine because they either cannot synthesize them at all or else are unable to make enough to meet the needs of their metabolism. List of Essential Amino Acids Essential Amino Acids Non-Essential Amino Acids histidine alanine isoleucine arginine* leucine aspartic acid lysine cysteine* methionine glutamic acid phenylalanine glutamine* threonine glycine* tryptophan proline* valine serine* tyrosine* asparagine* selenocysteine *conditionally essential

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Personal Development Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Personal Development Plan - Essay Example In this similar concern, my approach towards developing interpersonal communication completely emphasises my initial coaching along with mentoring skills. I was able to develop my interpersonal communication skill by focusing much upon interacting with other individuals based on the aspects of enhancing knowledge and understanding listening capabilities. This particular report emphasises on assessing my personal strengths and weaknesses through the application of Four MBTI Dichotomies model. In addition, apart from coaching skills, mentoring skills also contributed in the development of my interpersonal communication skills by a considerable extent. These interpersonal communication skills can be identified in developing my professional interests in coaching through which, I intended towards gaining maximum expertise and obtaining practical as well as theoretical knowledge. I was able to develop my mentoring skills with the practice of a two-way communication with different individuals that assisted me in obtaining a clear understanding of the prevailing cultural diversity in my community and developing trust amid themselves by way of demonstrating better follow-up or listening skills. This was mainly done through focusing on my MBTI ranking, where my personality indicator refered to an INFP style. As I am a kind of individual who likes to form greater association with the people belonging to diverse personality traits and nature including my INFP personality indicator in accordance with Isabel Briggs Myers’ indicators tests (Refer appendix), I strongly believed that my communication skill enhanced at large. Evidently, learning styles play a decisive role in supporting individuals from gaining effective knowledge in order to retrieve from certain critical conditions that are commonly witnessed in terms of poor performance and low satisfaction among others. According to the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Management accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

Management accounting - Essay Example 17), management invented modern business. Early forms of management accounting integrated both decision-making and analysis, going beyond financial and operational performance data. Chandler stated that before managerial, there was no equivalent of the modem multi-unit organization as there was nothing remotely like the divisional Wed corporation (Chandler 1977, pg.18). Chandler states that the managerial revolution invents something new which it is frequently misunderstood as the "modern business enterprise". This did nothing less than overturn the old economic world which is a world within which he tells much basic economic theory is still distressingly rooted. The new form of management was accelerated by industrial revolutions in the 19th century. After the 20th century the impending requirements by financial accounting in most organizations developed new pressures placed on the capital markets, creditors and taxation (Schaltegger et al 2006, pg. 72). Decentralization involves th e distribution of decision-making authority within the organization by offering managers at different operation levels the authority to make decisions relating to their areas of focus. In the new form of management that was developed around 1850, decentralization of organizations is a key issue in its performance. ... The first structure was the development of a management system for individual single-unit organizations, such as the factory while the second structure was the development of management for the large multi-unit organization (Chandler 1977, pg.29). The structure of the management that was developed around 1850 is in the form of an inverted tree. The board of directors in an organization is above all other levels and below the board of directors is the managing director. The managing director is in charge of the organization activities at any given time. The managing director handles upcoming issues in the organizations and makes strategic decisions. Below the managing director, there are several branches which cater for different purposes. In an ideal organization, the branches could include the purchasing department, personnel department, operations director and finance director who in the organization has a different function that it has to perform for the smooth functioning of the organization. All branches are responsible to the managing director who is in turn responsible to the board of directors. The purchasing department has several functions in the organization which include the purchasing department where it procures all necessary materials that are needed for production or daily operation of the company or organization. The purchasing department is charged with a responsibility of continuously evaluating whether it is receiving the required merchandise at the least possible price so as to maximize profitability. In most organizations, the Purchasing department ensures timely delivery of materials from its associates like the vendors, and also ensures the accounts payable department to ensure that awaiting deliveries are received in full and are

Prepare budgets and financial plans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Prepare budgets and financial plans - Essay Example Baby monitoring devices can also be concentrated upon as parents are devoting much of their time to work. For example, the use of USB/ Flash Disks is currently on the rise. What features of the Flash Disks do they give most importance to Is it the slimness Is it about high memory There is a need to know this - Advertisements and other sales generating and improving activities require funds. It is well known that the degree of effectiveness of promotions campaign is directly related to the customer appeal of products. An inventory of prices, survey on product features and another survey of current marketing strategies of other companies can give the following data that will surely help in decision matters in the degree of intensity of sales activities. b. Policies on International Trade - there is a need to know what the government is planning with regards to the international market. Government initiative on establishing diplomatic and business relations with other countries can open up new markets. An embargo to a certain foreign market can greatly reduce opportunities for sale. An up-to-date inquiry in appropriate government offices, past government measures regarding the business environment and analysis of the current political situations can provide the necessary information needed for this field. concerns about the toxici... 3. Budget for Personnel Development a. Training - determines how well-versed a sales personnel is making a sale b. Incentives - determines how much a personnel can expect for his performance given a rewards and bonus system Competition An inventory of prices, survey on product features and another survey of current marketing strategies of other companies can give the following data that will surely help in decision matters in the degree of intensity of sales activities. 1. Product Price Comparison Table 2. Product Specifications, Features and Qualities Comparison Matrix 3. Marketing Strategy of Other Companies 4. Competitor's Market Share These data will serve as a basis of comparison for the company's own products. It can give details on how to best improve the product's customer appeal thereby increasing sales. Government Policies 1. Economic Policy Settings a. Taxation Measures - tax imposed on product sales can greatly affect the resulting net sales revenue and the selling price of the product b. Policies on International Trade - there is a need to know what the government is planning with regards to the international market. Government initiative on establishing diplomatic and business relations with other countries can open up new markets. An embargo to a certain foreign market can greatly reduce opportunities for sale. An up-to-date inquiry in appropriate government offices, past government measures regarding the business environment and analysis of the current political situations can provide the necessary information needed for this field. Environmental Policies 1. Location Restrictions -

Marketing Study of Pirilla PLC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Marketing Study of Pirilla PLC - Essay Example Typically those engage with international marketing devotes their time on making strategies on how will they penetrate markets or countries provided that they must understand the environment, culture, society, politics, and economics of the country they wish to penetrate. This is important for every aspect of the country they wish to penetrate because somewhat or somehow people are influenced by these factors. These factors may have little, great, or no effect when it comes to purchasing behavior of the people, theory participation when it comes to new products, the society's economy and also consumers in a certain country is greatly influenced by its religion. For example, in India, cow is a sacred animal, if you plan to penetrate the market of India and tried to sell hamburgers in it, people might get mad or somehow your business will soon collapse because no one will buy your hamburgers. In the case of Pirilla PLC, we are pertaining on how we can penetrate other markets if we are to sell snow scooters. In understanding the environment, you cannot sell snow scooters in tropical or warm countries, of course it is useless. Snow scooters are made for countries which experiences winter and countries which all throughout the year is covered with ice. In checking qualifications of the countries which needs snow scooters, European countries qualify for this. Going international is... The main advantage of going international when it comes to marketing is that, there is a possibility for the company to have a bigger profit and sales. Some company often start with this, their neighboring countries are also looking for the same product found only in one country. This gives rise to more demands by other countries, the company of course will provide the demand, and then this becomes the starting point of all the business that will provide demands for other countries. Sooner or later, those firms who provided the product realized that they are making much more profit than just selling their product to just one country only. Another advantage is that you will be able to compete with other producers, and compare your products to the others. This is true when it comes to selling snow scooters to a common market, you will be able to look at competitors and be able to compare other snow scooters from the company's product. A possible disadvantage on going international mayb e is that the company is interfering with local competitors of that country. Another possible disadvantage is that the company destroys culture of the country especially by interfering with the market of the local competitors, this case happens to when McDonald's was introduced to other countries. The regular diet of the people was distracted when McDonald's was introduced. When it comes to the selection of countries for the target market of Pirilla PLC, Luxembourg is a good choice to introduce the snow scooters, especially the deluxe model. Luxembourg as being one of the richest countries in terms of GDP can afford and surely will need the services of a snow scooter. Also climate in Luxembourg is not too cold,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

1.In 2003 the government outlined how Every Child Matters. Discuss Essay

1.In 2003 the government outlined how Every Child Matters. Discuss both the developmental needs of children, and the appropriate social work response, in rel - Essay Example The case of Victoria Climbe can be marked as a revolution in the history of reforms for the children. It prompted the government to understand the needs and requirements of the children in the world. As children grow up they have certain requirements which ought to be fulfilled and the scheme ‘Every Child Matters’ assures every child of his right. This article would further discuss the developmental needs of children and the appropriate social work response in relation to the outcomes of the scheme. Many of the children living in this world are deprived of their basic needs and hence the governments are implementing different schemes to ensure that the children are getting their basic needs. The scheme ‘Every Child Matters’ has a total of five aims to provide the children with their basic necessities Health is a basic necessity for all the people in this world and thus children ought to have all the facilities to maintain their health. The scheme is implementing different strategies to ensure that the children are healthy mentally, physically and socially both. The children ought to have their basic right to exercise different activities to ensure that their health is maintained. They require health facilities if they are undergoing any major problem with their health. The environment that the children are provided depends upon the state, parents and the school and thus this environment should be healthy. The scheme has made the concerned authorities aware of the n ecessities of these children. The societies in the UK have started working towards a better environment for the children. Different sporting events are organized by the scheme so that the children can participate and have a healthy routine. The schools in which the children are studying have an important obligation of maintaining the environment for the


Worksheet 5 - NORA ECCLES HARRISON MUSEUM OF ART - Assignment Example It is a multinational retail company that sales general merchandise and groceries. WALMART is one of the most valuable companies in the world, the leading retail company and the largest public company. WALMART Company being a business organization, there is need for human asset retention in the human resource sector. This is important for labour provision and daily operations of this company. The retention of human asset can be achieved through SWOT analysis of this company. In each and every year, the company spends millions on labour related lawsuits. This is due to criticism on the poor working conditions, low wages and female discrimination. This makes the company lack skilled and experienced personnel. Cases of employee turnover are very rampart and the company spends much on employee training. This is associated to low trained personnel who are poorly paid. WALMART lacks differentiation from its competitors and faces negative publicity from the many cases of bribery and poor working environment. Improvement of the working conditions, increase in the payment and wages and also good employee training will ensure a strategic plan for human asset

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

1.In 2003 the government outlined how Every Child Matters. Discuss Essay

1.In 2003 the government outlined how Every Child Matters. Discuss both the developmental needs of children, and the appropriate social work response, in rel - Essay Example The case of Victoria Climbe can be marked as a revolution in the history of reforms for the children. It prompted the government to understand the needs and requirements of the children in the world. As children grow up they have certain requirements which ought to be fulfilled and the scheme ‘Every Child Matters’ assures every child of his right. This article would further discuss the developmental needs of children and the appropriate social work response in relation to the outcomes of the scheme. Many of the children living in this world are deprived of their basic needs and hence the governments are implementing different schemes to ensure that the children are getting their basic needs. The scheme ‘Every Child Matters’ has a total of five aims to provide the children with their basic necessities Health is a basic necessity for all the people in this world and thus children ought to have all the facilities to maintain their health. The scheme is implementing different strategies to ensure that the children are healthy mentally, physically and socially both. The children ought to have their basic right to exercise different activities to ensure that their health is maintained. They require health facilities if they are undergoing any major problem with their health. The environment that the children are provided depends upon the state, parents and the school and thus this environment should be healthy. The scheme has made the concerned authorities aware of the n ecessities of these children. The societies in the UK have started working towards a better environment for the children. Different sporting events are organized by the scheme so that the children can participate and have a healthy routine. The schools in which the children are studying have an important obligation of maintaining the environment for the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The investigation in the effect of the Country of Origin towards Essay

The investigation in the effect of the Country of Origin towards Consumer perception of luxury brand product; case study of Thai consumer - Essay Example There are actually several issues involved here; the place of manufacture, the brand and the company; and it is the individual preference or an image that is the combination of one or more or all that matters in consumer perception and therefore the influence of one or all these factors is what is broadly considered as the cognitive value. The literature review will therefore cover all these aspects and a few more in order to understand the implication that is termed as the COO effect on purchase decisions. Sometimes the preference of the customer is narrower and in that sense he or she prefers goods produced within the home country for reasons of superiority or quality. In such cases it is termed as ethnocentricity and this becomes a reason for negativity towards COO. In other cases the patronage of the home country products is due to the perception that it weakens the economy and it is a show of unpatriotic behaviour to prefer goods produced elsewhere. This brings in the concept of economic nationalism. This too aids the negativity towards COO. This review will cover these features as well to understand how COO is used by both the consumer and the company and how they finally influence purchase decisions. The research objective of the paper is to resolve this issue in relation to the luxury items, more specifically to the Thai consumer’s attitude towards the Long Champ brand handbag manufactured in France and China; significantly of the three factors of 25Country of origin including Brand image, Country of Origin of Manufacture and Country of origin of Brand.  Due to globalization and liberalisation the worldwide market of all goods, including the luxury items, has crossed national boundaries and has posed various problems for companies. Consumer behaviour is the driver of demand and this literature review will undertake

Monday, October 14, 2019

Role of Nurse Practitioners in Reinventing Primary Care

Role of Nurse Practitioners in Reinventing Primary Care The Quality and Effectiveness of Care Provided by Nurse Practitioners Expanding the Role of Advanced Nurse Practitioners — Risks and Rewards Glaiza Lanuza The Role of Nurse Practitioners in Reinventing Primary Care (Mary D. Naylor and Ellen T. Kurtzman. 2010) The authors in this study acknowledge that Nurse Practitioners are the fundamental category of advanced practice nurses yielding immediate care in the United States in the primary setting. Out of the 2.9 million nurses that the country produces substantially in the past decades, eight percent of which are APRNs, and roughly 70-80 percent work in the primary care setting (Mary D. Naylor and Ellen T. Kurtzman, 2010). They reconsidered the current and projected nurse practitioner workforce. There is a proportionate surge of NPs in the populace which they projected to flourish by an average of 9 percent per annum. Also, they considered the critical points of the available indication of NPs significant addition in ameliorating primary care and decreased utilization of health resources through two methodologies- literature review and study findings (Mary D. Naylor and Ellen T. Kurtzman, 2010). Literature Review They distinguished a policy review that was conveyed by the RAND Corporation. The said inquiry hypothesized that the usual expenditure of nurse practitioner or physician assistant visit is 20–35 percent less than the regular cost of a physician appointment. With that data, they predict aggregate savings of up to $8.4 billion between years 2010 to 2020 (Mary D. Naylor and Ellen T. Kurtzman. 2010). Study Findings The congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) pioneered two autonomous scrutinies of non-physician providers in the United States (Mary D. Naylor and Ellen T. Kurtzman. 2010). The OTA recapitulated that, within their scope of practice, NPs deliver quality of care same of that contributed by physicians. In conclusion, with the remarkable affirmations of NPs augmentation of high-value primary care, they proposed that nurse practice acts or state laws- be institutionalized and be less restrictive, to equalize payments and to increase nurse’s accountability. This article speaks highly of Nurse Practitioners in their cognizance of the pivotal role NPs play in the future of health care as primary care providers; thus, putting them in the vanguard of administering preventative care to the public. Research Article 2 The Quality and Effectiveness of Care Provided by Nurse Practitioners (Stanik-Hutt et al., 2013) The study put scrutiny on evidences regarding the repercussion of nurse practitioners (NPs) in comparison with physicians (MDs) on three key points: health care condition, safety, and efficacy (Stanik-Hutt et al., 2013). Health Care Quality In the analytic inquiry of patient care in three settings such as, primary, outpatient surgical and inpatient environment, they ascertained that the patient satisfaction with care of NPs was similar to that associated with care from MDs. Moreover, in some reports, they discovered that patients were more satisfied with the care rendered by NPs. Safety Patient safety is affected by a myriad of factors such patient, healthcare setting and practitioner. They claimed that the mortality was the only safety outcome they can consider as a probable composite in this study. Effectiveness NP care effectiveness was linked to similar MD care effect though not better blood pressure and blood glucose regulation. Additionally, they correlated NP care with better serum lipid control. The authors used four methodologies in this research such as data sources and searches, study selection, data retrieval and quality assurance and data organization and inquiry. In the end, results for NPs compared to MDs (or teams without NPs) are proportionate or more sophisticated for all the sequelae recognized. In the primary care context, they laid evidences suggesting superior lipid control in patients cared for by NPs. Furthermore, noteworthy studies demonstrated that optimum well-being, physical function, count of patients’ emergency stays and hospital encounters; blood sugar, vital signs, and mortality have been positively linked to NPs and MDs (Stanik-Hutt et al., 2013). Nurse Practitioners play an integral part in the nation’s dynamic healthcare system. Apart from being one of the most lucrative and beneficial option that the populace can elicit, their patient care, yield impressive outcomes in terms of quality, safety, and effectiveness. Expert Opinion Article Expanding the Role of Advanced Nurse Practitioners — Risks and Rewards (Iglehart, 2013) This article discusses the 2014 extension of coverage decreed by The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Furthermore, it also chronicles as to how health professionals, lawmakers, and consumers will grapple with an expected intensification of patient claim for benefits and assistance (State of Rhode Island: Health Care Reform Commission). Also, the author presented its’ risks, rewards and solutions. Risks According to the report of The Association of American Medical Colleges (Iglehart, 2013), by year 2015 the country might have to address a deficit of an estimated 33,000 care providers and around 30,000 other consultants. Also, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) identified that the rigorous nurse practice state laws serve as impediments to accessible care. Rewards The author cited myriad of evidences in the nursing discourses that render support for the scientific achievement of NPs. One is the recent systematic study that bestowed NPs distinction for delivering safe, efficient, exceptional care. He, also emphasized, APRNs, in conjunction with physicians and other caregivers will need to progress with best current evidences and major synergistic frameworks of care strategies. Solutions Economist, David Auerbach, conferred that growth in nurse practitioner statistics is one answer to alleviating the inadequacy of primary care providers. IOM reiterated that the federal government should find a way to have profound interest and action in the standardization of reforms for health care pursuit especially that of Advanced Practice Nurses. He also made into account the Agreement between Nurse Leaders and Physician Officers on collaboration between professionals, in which they were empathic on eradicating the shipmaster notion, rather, regarding clienteles as champions of their care (Iglehart, 2013). The methodologies that he used in this article are study findings and systematic review. In summary, despite the hurdles that the healthcare system might face, the author was positive about the theme of this research article for he is optimistic about situational leadership. In my viewpoint, nursing leaders and health policymakers need to be mindful in designing a health care system that delivers high-quality care at reasonable cost to improve results, effectiveness, efficacy, and costs. Ultimately, the patients and their families are the be-all and end-all of primary care. They deserve an unparalleled provision of care. References Mary D. Naylor and Ellen T. Kurtzman. 2010. The Role of Nurse Practitioners in Reinventing Primary Care. Health Affairs, 29, no.5 893-899. Retrieved from Julie Stanik-Hutt, Robin P. Newhouse, Kathleen M. White, Meg Johantgen, Eric B. Bass, George Zangaro†¦ Jonathan P. Weiner. (2013, September). The Quality and Effectiveness of Care Provided by Nurse Practitioners. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 9(8), 492-500.E13. Retrieved from: John K. Iglehart. (2013, May). Expanding the Role of Advanced Nurse Practitioners — Risks and Rewards. The New England Journal of Medicine 368:1935-1941. doi: 10.1056/NEJMhpr1301084 State of Rhode Island: Health Care Reform Commission. Retrieved from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Describe how Alfred Noyes in The Highwayman creates a stereotypical Ess

Describe how Alfred Noyes in The Highwayman creates a stereotypical melodramatic atmosphere of romance, treachery, heroism and death (Literature: Response to pre 1900 poetry. Assignment: Describe how Alfred Noyes in "The Highwayman" creates a stereotypical melodramatic atmosphere of romance, treachery, heroism and death (Literature: Response to pre 1900 poetry. Objectives 1, 2, 3). Alfred Noyes was born in 1880. The Welsh coast and mountains where he grew up were an early inspiration for his work. Noyes started writing poetry in the early 1900's, his most popular yet is "The Highwayman", a touching story of love, tragedy and jealousy in which two lovers are parted by death. It is a beautiful romantic poem, where the words flow like silk and from the first line you are entranced. He is one of the few contemporary poets who have been fortunate enough to write a kind of poetry that is not only saleable but popular with many classes of people. "The Highwayman" is indeed stereotypical in its representation of a fairytale romance which comes to life in the dark of night. Noyes creates an exciting secret love affair between a traditionally unlikely couple. This forbidden relationship makes the plot more intense, drawing the reader in. Noyes uses stereotypical characters who's roles are instantly recognisable as either good or evil. Bess, a landlord's daughter and the love object of the poem is typically beautiful and desirable. She is "Red-lipped" with "long black hair" which is described as a "cascade of perfume". The highway man is also particularly stereotypical because he is handsome, charming and brave. A heroic gentleman, he is perfect in both appearance and manner. His boots are fitted with "neve... fate. Bess is "Black-eyed" and "plaits a dark red love-knot into her long black hair" whilst the highwayman always rides during the darkest hours. Another sign that both lovers will die is the phrase "There was death at every window". The "purple moor" and the "red-coat troop" are symbols of blood which is often associated with death. Although 'The Highwayman' is very stereotypical there are some factors which oppose this view. For example Bess is not portrayed as a feeble woman waiting to be saved. She takes matters into her own hands and acts very heroically to save her lover. It is also important to recognise that the use of the colours black and white are reversed. Instead of white symbolising goodness and purity it is used to describe Tim's evil face. On the other hand, Bess, the heroin and innocent character is associated with the colour black.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Too Much, Too Soon Essay -- Diseases, Disorders

Children are full of energy naturally, but there are some people who determined this to be a problem. According to Julian Haber, â€Å"More than 90 percent of methylphenidate (Ritalin) is produced and prescribed for children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder† (2). Doctors, teachers, and parents who support this medication claim that it helps children focus their energy and stay task oriented. However, they should also take a close look at possible long term effects this type of medication may have mentally and physically. Children today are tomorrow’s adults so it is critical to make the right choices when dealing with the future. American children are being prescribed medication for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) more than ever before because this is a relatively new disease, which contributes to the lack of options available for treatment and creates a greater chance of not only being over diagnosed but also misdiagnosed. ADHD is a name that is becoming more relevant in households across America. The characteristics that define ADHD have been around as long as mankind. This disease is defined as: â€Å"a childhood mental disorder with onset before 7 years of age and involving impaired or diminished attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity† (Mosby’s Medical Dictionary 166). There have always been differences in people that allow some to be more/less outgoing, more/less focused, or more/less impulsive. The change is not the actions of people with these differences, rather, the change comes from the perception of society as a whole and whether this behavior is acceptable or not. A child that is accompanied with erratic behavior is viewed as a problem and the assumption is occasionally made ... ...cine were not available and this gives most people an open mind about taking medication but there must be extreme caution used when dealing with something as potent as certain medications. The main goal is to prepare future generations for success and provide a clear understanding to children about when it is necessary to take medication and when it is not. Doing the right thing starts with the leaders of today. Works Cited Breggin, Peter R. Talking Back To Ritalin. Revised ed. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing, 2001. 5, 6, 64. Print. Haber, Julian S. The Great Misdiagnosis ADHD. Dallas, Texas: Taylor Publishing Company, 2000. 2, 22. Print. "ADHD." Mosby's Medical Dictionary. 8th ed. 2009. 165-66. Print. Taylor, John F. The Hyperactive Child And The Family The Complete What-To-Do Handbook. Pickering, Ontario, Canada: Beaverbooks, 1980. 17, 61. Print.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Alt Options for Conception

The ere is also a reoccurred called intrauterine insemination; which is basically artificial inseam nation and is used to treat infertility and help a woman reproduce. Both of these procedures shoo w enormous progress in helping couples who cannot conceive naturally to build a family, b UT most importantly to ensure that more lives are being created. â€Å"A conception conundrum emphasized the negatives of donor insemination a ND not the positives. My husband and I happily turned to donor insemination to conceive our children. Our two teenage daughters have never struggled with identity issues.Our older k knows several halfpennies, and are all bright, inquisitive, lovely kids. There are many positive outcomes to artificial donor insemination, and my family is proof of that. † (Walters 6). Naturally and normally, an egg and sperm fertilize inside a woman's body wit hoot the help of a medical procedure. When natural conception takes place, the fertilize De egg attaches to the li ning of the womb and continues to grow, and 9 months later a baby is b Ron. However if a woman has been struggling to become pregnant, she has other options. IV f or instance is a form f assisted reproductive technology.This meaning that special medical techno sues are used to help a woman become pregnant. Assisted reproductive technology is used on lye after all other less expensive and less invasive techniques have failed. According to The Human Fertilization & Embryology Authority, there are rough holy 5 steps to IV. Step 1 is usually to prescribe fertility medications to stimulate egg g production. A woman wants or desires more than one egg considering some eggs will not d evolve or fertilize after retrieval. Doctors will check hormone levels through blood tests, and do occasional transnational ultrasounds to examine the ovaries.Step 2 requires a minor surge kcal procedure, to retrieve eggs by using ultrasound imaging to guide a hollow needle through t he pelvic cavity in able t o remove the eggs. Medication is used to reduce pain or discomfort. Set p 3 is the step in which the male is asked to produce a sample of his sperm so that it can be pr prepared to be combined with the eggs. Step 4 is the process in IV called insemination, where e the sperm and eggs are combined and stored in a laboratory in attempts to be fertilized. If the ere is a lower arability of fertilization, CICS or internationalism sperm injection, may be us De.Through the procedure of CICS a single sperm is injected directly into the egg in an attempt to be fertilized. From then on out the eggs are monitored to confirm that fertilization is taking place. After this step is completed, the fertilized eggs are considered embryos. The last step in IV is where the embryos are transferred into the woman's uterus three to five days following their fertilization. A small tube ( a catheter) is inserted into the uterus to transfer the embryos. HTH s procedure is happily completely painless for wome n, although few may experience some cramping.If all of the steps of the procedure are successful, implantation usually occurs around d six to ten days following egg retrieval. Just like most medical procedures, there are possible risks. Fertility medication ins can have some side effects including mood swings, hot flashes, headaches, abdominal pains, bloating, and hot flashes. Although its rare, fertility medications may cause OCHS, (ovarian hyperventilation syndrome). Symptoms of OCHS may include feelings of being bloated or abed minimal pains. Keep in mind that these are small risks, and rarely take effect.Marie, a middle aged woman shares with the world her experience with IV a ND it's success on Corticosteroid. Org. â€Å"It's horribly commercialese, but if it wasn't w e wouldn't have it. There is a whole medical/ commercial infrastructure that seems to determine that no matter what the cause of infertility, IV is nearly always the answer. This makes sense for many patients, bu t the incentive structures for largesse provision of just one type of treatment may crowd out others. † Marie had underwent the IV process, and it was all and all success.However, IV doesn't assure women of a 100% success rate. ‘The first IV cycle showed me to be a poor responder, and after producing only two follicles, the cycle was canceled. I was crushed. I had been infertile, but now I was sterile as well. † cycle showed me to be a poor responder, and after producing only two follicles, the cycle was canceled. Was crushed.. It only takes one, they said, ye ah right, some women make 20 eggs and I couldn't understand why wasn't able to make 1 [ Sic]. † (Toucans& Montgomery 1022). IV isn't the only medical advancement we've had to help women conceive.W hen it isn't necessarily the woman's ‘fault† that she can't become impregnated, the o there cause to look at is a man's low sperm count. If a man's sperm count falls in a low range, Into routine In semination may be considered. II_J is both cheaper and less invasive than IV F, and is usually tried prior to IV. Intrauterine insemination (III) is a fertility treatment which I involves placing sperm inside a woman's uterus to facilitate fertilization. The goal of XIII is to in crease the number of sperm that reach the fallopian tubes and subsequently increase the e chance of fertilization.In other words, XIII provides the sperm an upper hand, by giving TA head start, but a sperm is still required to reach and fertilize the egg on its own; which is why if the woman is also struggling to conceive, this method isn't most effective. With both Inviter fertilization and Intrauterine Insemination, we have seen a d aromatic increase of pregnancies in women who would otherwise not be able to conceive eve. Inviter fertilization is a way of creating pregnancies, while a less expensive and invasion eve yet less effective procedure called intrauterine insemination is a way of upping a man' sp erm count.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Why Smoking Should be Banned

Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the United States, and doing it in public is even worse because smokers not only harm themselves, but also those around them. I remember how my great uncle would always smoke in his house regardless of his surroundings. When his daughter visited him for a vacation, she brought her three year old daughter with her. The baby was healthy before coming to her grandpa's house, but in less than two weeks, she had developed ear infections and started to cough. When they went to the doctors' office to find out how she had gotten it, the doctor linked it back to the second hand smoke that she was breathing in. When my great uncle found out about it, he finally started to care about where he was smoking and who he was with, and decided that he would smoke in a secluded place where no one but him may be affected. Like my great uncle in the past, many smokers think they could do whatever they want because it is their body, but to me, their right ends where my health begins. I believe that smoking in public places should be banned at a federal level because even the smallest wisp of smoke can do a lot of damage to the people around them and the environment. Smoking has been proven to have many deadly effects on humans and the environment that it would make sense to ban people doing it in public. Cigarettes negatively affect the environment in many ways that not many people seem to realize. According to a study by Tree Hugger â€Å"more than 4. 5 trillion non-biodegradable filter-tipped cigarettes are thrown away annually somewhere in the world† (McLaren). Most cigarette butts are not thrown away properly because many can be easily found on the streets and even near bodies of water. â€Å"It takes about 18 months to 10 years for cigarette butts to decompose† (McLaren). It would make it easier for trash to keep on piling up, making the world a dirtier place. Not only does the trash make the environment look unattractive but it also affects animals. When a cigarette butt is thrown near a water source, it may contaminate an aquatic ecosystem. According to Tree Hugger, cigarette butts have been found inside the stomachs of birds and fishes (McLaren). It is horrible to know that some of the fishes that we have eaten may have been contaminated by cigarette butts. Though many smokers already know of the health risks that come with smoking cigarettes, but what most of them do not, is how secondhand smoking can affect other people. â€Å"Breathing in low doses of secondhand smoke can increase a person’s risk of heart attack† according to a study by Dr. Meyers, a professor of Cardiology and Preventive Medicine at University of Kansas (Sciencedaily. com). Smokers should not risk non-smokers for something that they do. In continuation of Dr. Meyers’ study is that, â€Å"secondhand smoking increases the likelihood of a heart attack by making the blood â€Å"sticky†, making it more prone to clotting, and reducing the amount of good cholesterol in the body† (Sciencedaily. com). Non-smokers should no t be worrying about paying more medical bills, especially in today’s economic situation. Many businesses provide health insurance to their employees. According to a statistical data collected by Live Strong, employers spend an extra $49 million in medical costs for employees who are exposed to secondhand smoking in their jobs (Nelson). Employers would be able to hire more people with the money that is being used to pay for medical bills that could be prevented. Smoking banned in public places may lead to less pollution, non-smokers not getting harmed, and employers saving money from unneeded medical bills that could be used to hire more employees. Whenever I ask a smoker why they smoke, many respond in something like, â€Å"It’s my own body; I can do whatever I want with it. † According to a report by Dr. Stillman, co-director of the Institute for Global Tobacco Control at Johns Hopkins University, says, â€Å"Inhaling the complex mixture of compounds in tobacco smoke can cause cancer, cardiovascular disease and lung disease† (Shrieves). Though it is their own body, we all share the same air, and the smoke that cigarettes produce is contaminating our air, which may also harm a other people. Most people think that smoking and bars go together like two peas in a pod, and many think that by banning smoking in public places will lead to a decrease of revenue in some businesses. According to a report collected by the CDC, â€Å"a smoke-free indoor air ordinance that was passed in El Paso, Texas, proved that there were no statistically significant changes in restaurant and bar revenues after the smoking ban took effect† (CDC. gov). It is more beneficial to people to ban smoking seeing as there is no change in revenues and it would not affect the economy. Ban of smoking in public places in a federal level is much more favorable to non-smokers and makes no significant changes in revenues in businesses. Smoking in public should be banned at a federal level without question. Smoking negatively affects people, the environment and businesses. There are no logical reasons to allow smoking in public places and doing so does not benefit anyone but cigarette makers. Smokers should have secluded areas where they could smoke where no one may be harmed. The government should provide trash cans in these areas so smokers would not just throw their cigarette butts on the floor. Anyone caught smoking in public places and littering their cigarettes should be fined. Smoking endangers people who chose not to engage in the same reckless behavior, like my baby cousin who had gotten so sick because of my great uncle’s smoking. It also dirties our environment and harms other animals that are in search of food. Businesses who provide health insurance to their workers affected by second hand smoking are wasting money that could be used to hire more employees. Banning smoking in public may lead to a better way of life and a healthier place to live.